Thread: Chain Scrubber
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Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.[_2_] Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2014
Posts: 78
Default Chain Scrubber

Bruce in Bangkok wrote:
"Sir Gregory Hall, Esq." wrote...
"Flying Pig" wrote:

Well, this is 3rd-hand, but still very interesting!

Interesting? LOL! More like stupid. So stupid that I was inclined
to add a comment to that effect. Using an all-chain rode is tantamount
to using hemp lines and cotton sails. Duh! Hey, folks it's the 21st
century. Get with the program and lose the chain.

More advise from the dry land sailor.

Says the wannabe who lives ashore and keeps a motor yacht at
the Bangkok dock. Typical lubber pretending to be that which
he is not.

You might have a look at the majority of the world cruising boats as a
large number of them do carry an all chain rode.....

Because they are dumb asses who don't bother keeping up with the
times, who don't mind a bow-down yacht due to half a ton of chain
in the chain locker, who don't mind the hobby-horse pitching caused
by weight on the ends of a yacht. Stupid people who will never learn.

If you ask someone who has actually done a lot of cruising they might
even tell you why.

Doubtful as one can ALWAYS choose an anchorage where the dreaded
coral heads that chafe nylon rodes through don't exist. Duh!

So, in lieu of choosing a suitable anchorage these fools attempt
to "brute force" themselves into unsuitable anchorages where they
destroy coral. Yah right, real smart. Really really environmentally

Sir Gregory