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Paladin November 10th 06 08:56 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the election.
Not so. Just he opposite.

I am happy and content that the liberals have taken over congress.
Now they will have to do something other than obstruct while pointing
the finger and calling congress a "do nothing" body. But, what they do
you will not likely care for.

The reason I am happy is "I've got mine." I have mucho dinero (a little
Spanish lingo) in an offshore bank the liberals can't touch. I am retired
so I don't pay income tax anymore. I live in a state that has no income tax.
I pay no property taxes. I am happy because the Democrats promised to
raise taxes. They say they will let the Republican tax cuts sunset. Good.
I will enjoy your lowered standard of living. This means a family of four
earning 50K will have to pay 3.5K in income taxes as opposed to the 1.5K
they now pay under the Republican tax cuts. That means Democrats will
pay it, too. I'm laughing at you Democrats most because while you gloat
you throw your money away. Is it worth it?

Seems to me the taste in my mouth is super sweet. The reason being
because, not only will you ignorant Democrats have to pay more of
your hard-earned money to the government, but you will be very
unhappy to learn your liberal leaders in the House and Senate have
already let it be known that there's not much they can do to get the
troops out of Iraq. In other words they lied to you when they
promised to cut and run. They never had any intention of doing so.
They only said it to sucker you fools into voting for them. The
president of Iraq, who met with Democrat leaders last September,
said they told him they have no intention of leaving any time
before Iraq is secure from terrorist takeover. Bwahahhahahah
hahahahahhahahhahahahahh! Remember this come January. You
will see how true my words are.

Oh, man! I think I am getting dental caries! The taste in my mouth
is so very sweet. It keeps getting sweeter because of the above
and because Democrats are not interested at all in controlling the
borders. They want to and will, now that they have control, pass
an immigration bill that will assure millions and millions more illegals
will continue to pour across the borders so they can register them to
vote Democratic. They will put them on welfare and you will pay for
it. I am able to get away from the illegal alien hordes. Are you? I
am not paying for their welfare. Are you? Bwahahahahahhahahha

Oh hell! Bring me a tray of insulin shots. Democrat victory is so
sweet that I think I'm getting diabetes. How can I help it when
I know Democrats have been duped by the liberal branch of their
party into voting for "change." Too bad you were too stupid to
realize it is change for the worse. Higher taxes, U.S. forces not
cutting and running from Iraq, swarms of illegal aliens and
something else even worse - more liberal judges. Yes, more liberal
judges who can take your referendums that you passed by large
margins and declare them null and void. More liberal judges who
can take your private property away so developers can improve the
property and governments can charge higher taxes.

Holy Cow! And how about this one? Gasoline prices going back up
and getting even higher. Why? Because liberals are all for the
environmentalists. They will not allow drilling for new oil. They will
not allow new refineries to be built. They will not allow new
nuclear power plants. They will not let coal use increase. In other
words, prepare to remain dependent upon foreign sources of
petroleum and be prepared to pay up to five dollars a gallon for your
gasoline. Boy is it ever sweet knowing I don't need gasoline.
Wind moves me around just fine. You Democrats can have your
automobiles and your expensive gasoline. You asked for it. You got it!

Gadzooks! Why are all those sugar ants crawling up my legs? Is it
because the taste in my mouth is soooooooooo sweet that even way
down there on the ground they can smell the sugar. Yes, sir! And
it keeps getting sweeter. Why? Because you smug Democrats, who
think you "won" an election, lost so much that you had and that you
could have had if you had not been duped by your leaders. Let's
examine what else you got duped out of. How about forgetting
about collecting Social Security. The Democrats won't do anything
about the fact the system will be bankrupt in less than 20 years.
They refused to even consider any changes when President Bush
wanted to do something about it several years ago. So try to
remember, unless you are my age or greater, you will most likely
never get the money out that you put in. But, I will happily collect
your money and enjoy it. I will enjoy it all the more knowing you
Democrats continue to work and pay my way. And even more so
because you voted for it. Bwahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahh!

Holy Islamic Fascist Terrorist! I cannot neglect to mention that
under Republicans the United States of America has been spared
terrorist attacks on our soil since 9-11. With Democrats in control,
who see the war against Islamic Fascists Terrorists as a police
action and a passing fad, you can rest assured that terrorist attacks
will soon be showing again in a neighborhood near you. I am
not worried because what self-respecting terrorist is going to
waste his time trying to blow up an old cruising sailboat? I think
they are much more interested in your homes, your schools, your
shopping malls, your transportation systems . . . Bwahahahahhahah
ahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah. Oh my aching sides. I just
cannot stop laughing at how pathetic you Democrats are.
Imagine actually thinking you won and feeling smug about it.

Great Caesar's Ghost! I just cannot wrap up this "no thoughts of
my own" diatribe without mentioning liberal Democrats, like your
newly elected majority leaders, just love growing government. You
think Republicans grew government? Well, "you ain't seen nothin'
yet!" Get ready for it and the high taxes it takes to pay for it.
You already pay out about half your earnings for taxes. Don't
be surprised if it goes up to 60-70 percent under the liberal
Democrat leadership. Bwaahah hhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahh
ahahhahahahahah hahahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahah!Bwahaha
hhahhahahhaha hahhahahhahahhahahhahaha hahahhahahahhahah
hahahhahahahhahahah. Oh, my sides!

Did I forget anything? Yes, come to think of it I did forget
something. I forget to rub your noses in the fact that under the
Democrat controlled congress you'll probably end up paying
an emissions tax to fight global warming. You could be facing a
re-instatement of the draft. You will likely see higher taxes
placed on "big business" who will just pass them on down the
line to you, the consumer. You might see a national gasoline
conservation tax to make you cut back on usage. You will see
an increase in minimum wage which costs you will pay. You
will have to pay more to heat and air condition your homes.
You will have to pay taxes on your Internet purchases and
maybe even on your Internet access. If Democrats do anything
at all about FICA it will be to raise the withholding from your
pay check. I hope they do. I'll savor the sweet taste of my
monthly Social Security check all the more knowing how hard
you Democrats are working to pamper my sweet tooth.

Yes, please enjoy your "victory!" Bwahahahahhahahaha
hahahahBwahahahhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhah
ahahahahhahahahhah ahhahahhahah ahhahahahBwahahahh
ahhahahhahahahhaha hhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahh
ahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahahahha hhahahhahahahh
hhahahahBwah ahahhahhahahhahahahh ahahhahahhahahh
ahahahahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahah
ahhahhahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahh ahahahahahhaha

(Have blue water yacht - can and will travel)

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Don White November 10th 06 09:09 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy
Paladin wrote:
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the election.
Not so. Just he opposite.


Yes, please enjoy your "victory!" Bwahahahahhahahaha
hahahahBwahahahhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhah
ahahahahhahahahhah ahhahahhahah ahhahahahBwahahahh
ahhahahhahahahhaha hhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahh
ahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahahahha hhahahhahahahh
hhahahahBwah ahahhahhahahhahahahh ahahhahahhahahh
ahahahahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahah
ahhahhahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahh ahahahahahhaha

(Have blue water yacht - can and will travel)

What were the words to that pop song back in the '60s/'70s "They're
Coming to take Me Away'?
"And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa
They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take me away ha haaa

You thought it was a joke
And so you laughed
You laughed when I said
That losing you would make me flip my lid

Right? You know you laughed
I heard you laugh. You laughed
You laughed and laughed and then you left
But now you know I'm utterly mad"

JimH November 10th 06 09:26 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy

"Don White" wrote in message
Paladin wrote:
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the
Not so. Just he opposite. snip..

Yes, please enjoy your "victory!" Bwahahahahhahahaha
hahahahBwahahahhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhah
ahahahahhahahahhah ahhahahhahah ahhahahahBwahahahh
ahhahahhahahahhaha hhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahh
ahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahahahha hhahahhahahahh
hhahahahBwah ahahhahhahahhahahahh ahahhahahhahahh
ahahahahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahah
ahhahhahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahh ahahahahahhaha

(Have blue water yacht - can and will travel)

What were the words to that pop song back in the '60s/'70s "They're Coming
to take Me Away'?
"And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa
They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take me away ha haaa

You thought it was a joke
And so you laughed
You laughed when I said
That losing you would make me flip my lid

Right? You know you laughed
I heard you laugh. You laughed
You laughed and laughed and then you left
But now you know I'm utterly mad"

Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon in
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They inherit
a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low interest rates,
low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist attacks on US soil
since 9-11-01.

They have 2 years to walk the walk. The time of just talking the talk is
over in January 2007. ;-)

Bob November 10th 06 09:40 PM

Way OT - Don't worry. Be happy

Paladin wrote:
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the election.
Not so. Just he opposite.

I enjoy qualified teachers iin good public schools, a safe interstate
road system, cops that think instead of whinning that they felt
threatened to justify the use of deadly force, water out of my faucet
that wont kill me, and when I go running air that wont give me lung
cancer in my attempt to stay healthy. Oh, and then there is medicare.
That is, geting health care that wont drive me into the poor house
because after working for United Air for 31 years they find some sleezy
attoney way of bailing out on my hard earned and contractually agreed
(benifit/compensation package) health care program.

How many billions have we spent to lose a war in Iraq?
Seems to me we could have given lots of rebates with that money we gave
to KBR.

I am a consertive. That means taking care of home first, not being the
worlds police department, getting your moneys worth, and certainly not
throwing good money after bad. IN other words, if you find yourself in
a hole STOP DIGGING. Or, dont stick your nose in other peopls busness,
pay your bills on time, and put a little away for hard times that are
sure to come. The republicans have spent the last 10 years acting like
spoiled teenagers who demand everything now with no regard of the
consiquences or how theyll to pay for it.

Personally, I could care less if thoes bible thumping republicans are
sticking their penis in little boys.

So yes I am happy. Maybe we can spend those billions on something worth
while , like putting it back into MY pocket and MY town.

Bill Kearney November 10th 06 09:54 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy
Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon in
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They

a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low interest rates,
low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist attacks on US

since 9-11-01.

You conveniently omit the staggering debt that's been accrued during the
Republican looting of the treasury.

JimH November 10th 06 09:59 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy

"Bill Kearney" wrote in message
Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon in
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They

a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low interest
low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist attacks on US

since 9-11-01.

You conveniently omit the staggering debt that's been accrued during the
Republican looting of the treasury.

OK. So let's see the Dems fix that also. ;-)

Chi Chi November 10th 06 10:11 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy
Where is this great economy you refer to? gas at $2.50 to $3.00 a gallon,
minimum wage jobs with no benefits, deficit in the trillions of dollars
while big business pays no taxes? outsorces jobs and puts their money in
offshore accounts?
The terrorists are on US Soil all in washington DC in what is called the
white house. They are who and what was behind 9/11 heck they were the people
that did it.
But to me a politician is a crook no matter the party affiliation in this
country. They all lie cheat and steal to line their pockets. What really
needs to be done is our troops need to rise up against the politicians of
this once great country and take back our democracy and restore our
constitution and throw all the lawyers and politicians in jail in a hard
labor camp.
" JimH" not telling you @ wrote in message
. ..

"Don White" wrote in message
Paladin wrote:
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the
Not so. Just he opposite. snip..

Yes, please enjoy your "victory!" Bwahahahahhahahaha
hahahahBwahahahhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhah
ahahahahhahahahhah ahhahahhahah ahhahahahBwahahahh
ahhahahhahahahhaha hhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahh
ahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahahahha hhahahhahahahh
hhahahahBwah ahahhahhahahhahahahh ahahhahahhahahh
ahahahahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahah
ahhahhahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahh ahahahahahhaha

(Have blue water yacht - can and will travel)

What were the words to that pop song back in the '60s/'70s "They're
Coming to take Me Away'?
"And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa
They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take me away ha haaa

You thought it was a joke
And so you laughed
You laughed when I said
That losing you would make me flip my lid

Right? You know you laughed
I heard you laugh. You laughed
You laughed and laughed and then you left
But now you know I'm utterly mad"

Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon in
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They
inherit a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low
interest rates, low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist
attacks on US soil since 9-11-01.

They have 2 years to walk the walk. The time of just talking the talk is
over in January 2007. ;-)

JimH November 10th 06 10:21 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy

"Chi Chi" wrote in message
. net...
Where is this great economy you refer to? gas at $2.50 to $3.00 a gallon,

$2.18 for me. Where do you live?

minimum wage jobs with no benefits,

Yep. Minimum wage jobs are for high school students. They don't need

deficit in the trillions of dollars
while big business pays no taxes?


outsorces jobs and puts their money in offshore accounts?

Thank to the unions.

The terrorists are on US Soil all in washington DC in what is called the
white house. They are who and what was behind 9/11 heck they were the
people that did it.

Oops, never mind on my previous questions to you. End of discussion. You
just lost all credibility.

See ya!

KLC Lewis November 10th 06 10:28 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy

"Bill Kearney" wrote in message
Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon in
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They

a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low interest
low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist attacks on US

since 9-11-01.

You conveniently omit the staggering debt that's been accrued during the
Republican looting of the treasury.

Not for nothing, but this Nation has always been in debt, and always will
be. Nevertheless, the overall growth of the National Debt has been spiraling
upward since 1890. Since 1890 there was a short period between 1919 (WWI)
and 1930 (on the heels of Black Friday) when the debt accrued during WWI was
actually being paid down. 1931 returned to the upward spiraling which has
been maintained ever since. In fact, the debt has increased every year since
1960. Between 1945 and 1960, the debt floated between 250 billion and 290
billion. The lowest the debt has ever been, in all US history, was 33,733.05
(less than 34 *thousand* dollars) in 1835. They quickly saw the error of
their ways, and by 1839 had run-up a debt in excess of 10 million dollars.

In short, this country has NEVER (for all intents and purposes) had a
fiscally-responsible Federal government, regardless WHO is holding the purse


KLC Lewis November 10th 06 10:31 PM

OT - Don't worry. Be happy

"KLC Lewis" wrote in message

"Bill Kearney" wrote in message
Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon
their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They

a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low interest
low inflation, an overall great economy and no terrorist attacks on US

since 9-11-01.

You conveniently omit the staggering debt that's been accrued during the
Republican looting of the treasury.

Not for nothing, but this Nation has always been in debt, and always will
be. Nevertheless, the overall growth of the National Debt has been
spiraling upward since 1890. Since 1890 there was a short period between
1919 (WWI) and 1930 (on the heels of Black Friday) when the debt accrued
during WWI was actually being paid down. 1931 returned to the upward
spiraling which has been maintained ever since. In fact, the debt has
increased every year since 1960. Between 1945 and 1960, the debt floated
between 250 billion and 290 billion. The lowest the debt has ever been,
in all US history, was 33,733.05 (less than 34 *thousand* dollars) in
1835. They quickly saw the error of their ways, and by 1839 had run-up a
debt in excess of 10 million dollars.

In short, this country has NEVER (for all intents and purposes) had a
fiscally-responsible Federal government, regardless WHO is holding the
purse strings.


Funny, but that seemed to be stated more clearly when I was writing it than
when I just read it. Oh well. click the link. Read the official government
figures. A pox upon ALL their houses.

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