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  #1   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

Krause, can you have the simple courtesy of prefacing your posts with
"OT" ?

Thats asking a bit much.
  #2   Report Post  
John Smith
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

What would you expect from a guy who makes up imaginary boats and even worse
an imaginary wife?

"CCred68046" wrote in message
Krause, can you have the simple courtesy of prefacing your posts with
"OT" ?

Thats asking a bit much.

  #3   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

Come on harry,,,

In stead of continually putting down your president and supporting your
terrorist why do you not try to think of the parents of those 12 or 16
school children that were bombed this morning by your terrorist friends.
Some of those children were in kindergarten.
Come on harry ,,, you know these guys have a difficult job to do, they are
freeing a country of its murderers and all you can do is bad mouth your own
team, I mean you are American are you not? This seems to be a pattern for
you harry,,, you have cheated on your union members,,, stabbed them in the
back by breeching union standards and rules, and now your country (of which
you enjoyed its liberties and fringes and freedom and peace your whole life)
is on a campaign and you do nothing but stab them in the back also,,, It
appears to me there Harry that you are a back stabber.. I would hate to do
business with you. Not very ethical, not much integrity, not very
trustworthy and just not very smart..... I mean to publicly brag about
nice guy you are harry,,, you know,, I have never ploinked anyone before,
but I am wasting too much time with you,,, a nothing,,,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
This piece seems even more appropriate now than when I first read it
some months ago.

The Whos down in Whoville liked their country a lot, but
the Grinch in the White House most certainly did not.

He had not arrived through the will of the Whos
but stole an election he really did lose.

He vowed to "rule from the middle" then installed his regime.
Did this really happen? Was it just a bad dream?

He didn't listen to voters, just his friends was he pleasin',
now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.

Could be his heart wasn't working quite right.
Could be perhaps he wasn't too bright.

But I think the most likely reason of all
is both his brain and his heart were two sizes too small.

In a time of great turmoil, it was very bad news,
A government leader who ignored his Whos.

But the Whos shrugged their shoulders and went on with their work,
Their duties as CITIZENS they did casually shirk.

They shopped at the Mall, they watched their TV,
and drove a big fat shiny gas-guzzler SUV
Indifferent to the future being decided in Washington DC,
Ignoring the threats to democracy.

Instead, they read different newspapers that ran the same leads,
mostly reporting "news" that served corporate needs.

For policies affecting lives in all nations
were created by giant international corporations.

Big business grew fatter, fed by its own greed
But also by people shopping for what they don't need.

Then amidst all the apathy came signs of unrest --
And the Whos came to see they were fouling their nest.

The people who cared for ideals of the nation
Began to discuss and exchange information.
Events they could not find in corporation-owned news,
Like top secret meetings and CIA coups,
Drilling for oil and restriction of rights.
The Whos published books and made some websites,
started writing letters and using e-mail --
though Homeland Security might send them to jail!

What began as a whisper soon grew to a roar,
These things going on they´d no longer ignore!

They began to rise up and to fight City Hall,
Let their voices be heard, they rose to the call
To vote, to petition, to gather and dissent,
To question the policies of the "president."

As greed gained in power and power knew no shame
The Whos came together singing "Not in our name."

As one-by-one from their sleep they awoke,
The old, the young, and all kinds of folk:
Red, Black, Brown and White, bi, trans, gay and straight,
All united to sing "feed our hope, not your hate!"

Stop stockpiling weapons and aiming for war!
Stop feeding the rich and start feeding the poor.

Stop storming deserts to fuel SUVs
While telling us lies on our mainstream TVs.

Stop treating our children as a market to sack.
Stop feeding them BARBIE, BARNEY and BIG MAC.

Stop trying to addict them to lifelong consuming
In a time when environmental disaster is looming.

Stop the sanctions and killing of kids in Iraq
And deal with those of our own who are strung out on crack.

Then a mighty sound started to rise and to grow--
"The old way of thinking simply must go!"

Enough of God versus Allah, Muslim against Jew.
The state things are in this simply won't do!

No American Dream caring only for wealth
while ignoring all our communities´ needs for health.

Rivers and forests are demanding their pay.
If we're to survive we must walk a new way.

No more excess of mindless consumption.
Let's sharpen our minds and strengthen our gumption.
For the ideas are simple but the practice is hard
and our future´s not saved by a poem on a card.

It needs ideas and actions of every & each Who
So let's get together and plan what to do!

And so folks gathered from all 'round the Earth
And what came from this was a miracle of birth.

The hearts and minds of Whos they did grow
To fit what they felt and reflect what they know.

While the Grinches´ shrank from their hatred and greed,
Under the weight of their every foul deed.

From that day on, the new standard of wealth
was whatever fed the Whos´ spiritual health.

They gathered together to revel and feast,
And to thank all who worked to conquer the beast.

For although our story pits Grinches against Whos,
The true battle lies in what we daily choose.

For inside each Grinch is a tiny small Who,
And inside each Who is a tiny Grinch too.
One thrives on Love; the Other on Greed.

Who will win out? It depends whom you feed.

  #4   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

"WaIIy" wrote in message
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 15:37:05 -0400 (EDT), "Harry Krause"

This piece seems even more appropriate now than when I first read it
some months ago.

Krause, can you have the simple courtesy of prefacing your posts with
"OT" ?

  #5   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

Ahhhhhhh ****!!!!!! Come on Harry,, I gotta get out of here,,, and then you
spew some ignorance ,, ok,, lets look at what you said,,,,

"'''''Please explain in detail, pondscum for brains, why you think the
insurgents in Iraq are friends of mine. Be very specific, and try to
base it upon something with a bit more to it than the fact that I
disagree with virtually every policy of the Bush misAdministration. "'''''

I will take larger chunks of your rubbish and work with it to save time.
"Pondscum for brains"" Lol,,, that is a good one,, You seem to stick to
everything Bush Says like a puppet,,, so remember when he said,,, your
leader said,,, the president of your country said,,, on your behalf,,, "if
your not with us,, your with them" And that makes sense,, because your
obviously not a fence rider,,, your not smart enough to select that
position,, your firmly against Bush and his (your national objective). But
ya,, your not a very loyal union member,, American,, human. When you chose
to take an outcome that kills more lives,, reduces more jobs,, creates more
sadness,,, I do not think your particularly too smart there Harry,,,,, but
entertaining,,,, what more rubbish did you spew,,,, from the pond,,,

'"'"'Were it not for the Bush Administration's misbegotten Iraqi policies,
these children likely would still be alive. Can you refute that,
pondscum for brains? "''""

Wow,, a lot of insults in there,,, see, you see the small picture there
harry,, not surprising as your views on economics lack intelligence. Were it
not for the Bush Administration,,, on average,,, 35,000 lives (approx) would
have been lost in the last year. What is your problem with that? The
terrorrists have an agenda,, they wish to kill all Americans,,, and
Christians,,, now your an American,,, (so you say),,, dont you have a
problem with that? Your hatred for Bush clogs your views on the world. And
he is your president, leader, fellow American. Some team member you are
Harry,,, Pondscum for brains,,,, lol,,, that is cute,,, So,, to show how
ignorant your last statement was,, had all you morons supported your
president,, and not burned your own flags,, smoked pot at the protests,,
stood behind Kerry and Jane Fonda at the protests,,, your president's plan
might have worked much quicker,, and yes,, no children could have lost their
lives today BY THE TERRORISTS THAT YOU SUPPORT ,,, in hindsight,,, like you
did,, And had Bush Sr been successful back when,,, no telling how many lives
could have been saved. Do you have a problem with saving lives harry??? Just
as long as your union gets their selfish demands met,, you couldn't give a
****,,,, right??? You possess the Union Mentality,,,, Not too swift,,,
quickly,,quickly,,, what other nonsense did you fart,,,,

""''The numbers I've seen indicate that thousands of non-combatant Iraqis
are being killed by the "coalition forces," and the indications are that
when the US finally pulls out, Iraq will once more dissolve into tribal
anarchy, with untold deaths.''''''

Ya,,,, your information sources are just as credible, ethical, integral as
you are harry,,, a match made in heaven. Stop trying to predict the future
harry,, you want Bush to fail because you hate the man so terribly, and if
he does fail,,, yes more deaths may come from the fail,, this would make you
happy?/???? hmmmmmm No wonder you stabbed your union members in the back,,
it is in your blood. Not a very nice human being are you harry,,,, You
cannot see the forest through the trees,,, GYHAS

""'""Are you referring to my opposition to the Bush misadministration's
pooching of its alleged war against terrorism? "'''''

Your all over the place there harry,,, according to the U.N. the U.S. is an
"occupying force'" not at war,,, so GYHAS,,,, But the entire world should be
at war against Terrorism,,,and why you do not support that thought boggles
my mind,, Do you like the fact that 16 school children were killed by
terrorists this morning? 200 in Spain? 3000 of your own fellow Americans at
9-11 ? If you cannot tell me why you do not support a campaign to rid the
world of these terrorists,, then you are beyond help harry,,, no more
education for you,,, ask the Doctor,, what does she think of your lack of
support for those who wish to eradicate the world of terrorism? She doesn't
know ,,does she harry,,,, what else have you got in your closet there
Harry?? A dress????

'""""'You need to smoke a better brand of drugs, pondscum.'"'''''

hmmmmm,,, now that was an intelligent statement,,,, wow,, nice hunk of mud
you flung there Harry,,,, but reading between the lines,,, when one has to
resort to viscous name calling,, you know they are unknowingly admitting
they lost the argument,,,,,,,, Your not too smart are you harry,,,,,,
again,, check with the doctor on that one,,,, she will confirm,,, second
opinion if you do not believe me,,,,

'"'''Worry not; I have no call to do business with intellectual defectives
like you. '''''''

Once again,, nice hunk of mud,,, no ,, do not worry,, your business ethics
are lacking. You have never even been in business, your career or income has
always been decided by collective agreements, the market has never dictated
your income. So you cannot say the words do business, you simply lack the
experience and knowledge required be an ethical business person,, and I do
not do business with unethical business people,,, And I do not take drugs,,
give that one up already,,,, it is hurting your case and your argument....

Well,,, that was it,,,, Now you thank Tuuk for educating you once again

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Tuuk wrote:

Come on harry,,,

In stead of continually putting down your president and supporting your
terrorist why do you not try to think of the parents of those 12 or 16
school children that were bombed this morning by your terrorist friends.

Please explain in detail, pondscum for brains, why you think the
insurgents in Iraq are friends of mine. Be very specific, and try to
base it upon something with a bit more to it than the fact that I
disagree with virtually every policy of the Bush misAdministration.

Some of those children were in kindergarten.

Were it not for the Bush Administration's misbegotten Iraqi policies,
these children likely would still be alive. Can you refute that,
pondscum for brains?

Come on harry ,,, you know these guys have a difficult job to do, they

freeing a country of its murderers and all you can do is bad mouth

your own

The numbers I've seen indicate that thousands of non-combatant Iraqis
are being killed by the "coalition forces," and the indications are that
when the US finally pulls out, Iraq will once more dissolve into tribal
anarchy, with untold deaths.

I mean you are American are you not? This seems to be a pattern for
you harry,,,

Are you referring to my opposition to the Bush misadministration's
pooching of its alleged war against terrorism?

you have cheated on your union members,,, stabbed them in the
back by breeching union standards and rules,

You need to smoke a better brand of drugs, pondscum.

I would hate to do
business with you.

Worry not; I have no call to do business with intellectual defectives
like you.

  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

"'""Well, then, if you are not on drugs, you;'re just incredibly stupid. But
I already thought that."''''

Come on harry,, if your going to insult or question my intelligence, try to
make the sentence free from grammar errors, try to make the sentence free
from spelling errors. Was english your primary language your whole career?
ooops,, never mind....intelligence wasn't a requirement, only a union
membership card.

What ever, I aint going to lock horns with you,, you haven't convinced me
your plan is better,, you actually do not have a plan,, but you criticized
Bush's which I believe has the better long term results. Lets agree to

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Tuuk wrote:

Ahhhhhhh ****!!!!!! Come on Harry,, I gotta get out of here,,, and

then you
spew some ignorance ,, ok,, lets look at what you said,,,,

"'''''Please explain in detail, pondscum for brains, why you think the
insurgents in Iraq are friends of mine. Be very specific, and try to
base it upon something with a bit more to it than the fact that I
disagree with virtually every policy of the Bush misAdministration.


I will take larger chunks of your rubbish and work with it to save time.
"Pondscum for brains"" Lol,,, that is a good one,, You seem to stick to
everything Bush Says like a puppet,,, so remember when he said,,, your
leader said,,, the president of your country said,,, on your behalf,,,

your not with us,, your with them" And that makes sense,, because your
obviously not a fence rider,,, your not smart enough to select that
position,, your firmly against Bush and his (your national objective).

ya,, your not a very loyal union member,, American,, human. When you

to take an outcome that kills more lives,, reduces more jobs,, creates

sadness,,, I do not think your particularly too smart there Harry,,,,,

entertaining,,,, what more rubbish did you spew,,,, from the pond,,,

I asked if you could provide any evidence whatsoever that the Iraqi
insurgents were friends of mine, as you charged. It is obvious from the
poorly written chunk of verbosity you posted that you cannot. In fact,
what you posted wasn't even a nice try. It was just more of what
probably is your drug-induced stream of near-unconsciousness.

'"'"'Were it not for the Bush Administration's misbegotten Iraqi

these children likely would still be alive. Can you refute that,
pondscum for brains? "''""

Wow,, a lot of insults in there,,, see, you see the small picture there
harry,, not surprising as your views on economics lack intelligence.

Were it
not for the Bush Administration,,, on average,,, 35,000 lives (approx)

have been lost in the last year. What is your problem with that? The
terrorrists have an agenda,, they wish to kill all Americans,,, and
Christians,,, now your an American,,, (so you say),,, dont you have a
problem with that? Your hatred for Bush clogs your views on the world.

he is your president, leader, fellow American. Some team member you are
Harry,,, Pondscum for brains,,,, lol,,, that is cute,,, So,, to show how
ignorant your last statement was,, had all you morons supported your
president,, and not burned your own flags,, smoked pot at the protests,,
stood behind Kerry and Jane Fonda at the protests,,, your president's

might have worked much quicker,, and yes,, no children could have lost

lives today BY THE TERRORISTS THAT YOU SUPPORT ,,, in hindsight,,,

like you
did,, And had Bush Sr been successful back when,,, no telling how many

could have been saved. Do you have a problem with saving lives

harry??? Just
as long as your union gets their selfish demands met,, you couldn't give

****,,,, right??? You possess the Union Mentality,,,, Not too swift,,,
quickly,,quickly,,, what other nonsense did you fart,,,,

You brought up the kids killed in the bus bombing. I stated that those
kids would still be alive today if it were not for Bush's
misadministration. In response, you posted a couple hundred words of
vomitus that are in no way responsive to my statement that were it not
for the Bush administration screw-ups, those kids would still be alive,

Do you dispute that those kids would still be alive today, were it not
for the Bush screwups?

""''The numbers I've seen indicate that thousands of non-combatant

are being killed by the "coalition forces," and the indications are that
when the US finally pulls out, Iraq will once more dissolve into tribal
anarchy, with untold deaths.''''''

Ya,,,, your information sources are just as credible, ethical, integral

you are harry,,, a match made in heaven. Stop trying to predict the

harry,, you want Bush to fail because you hate the man so terribly, and

he does fail,,, yes more deaths may come from the fail,, this would

make you
happy?/???? hmmmmmm No wonder you stabbed your union members in the

it is in your blood. Not a very nice human being are you harry,,,, You
cannot see the forest through the trees,,, GYHAS

Do you have some credible information that refutes what I've posted
about the numbers of Iraqi non-combatants that have been killed? No? I
didn't think so.

""'""Are you referring to my opposition to the Bush misadministration's
pooching of its alleged war against terrorism? "'''''

Your all over the place there harry,,, according to the U.N. the U.S.

is an
"occupying force'" not at war,,, so GYHAS,,,, But the entire world

should be
at war against Terrorism,,,and why you do not support that thought

my mind,, Do you like the fact that 16 school children were killed by
terrorists this morning? 200 in Spain? 3000 of your own fellow

Americans at
9-11 ? If you cannot tell me why you do not support a campaign to rid

world of these terrorists,, then you are beyond help harry,,, no more
education for you,,, ask the Doctor,, what does she think of your lack

support for those who wish to eradicate the world of terrorism? She

know ,,does she harry,,,, what else have you got in your closet there
Harry?? A dress????

'""""'You need to smoke a better brand of drugs, pondscum.'"'''''

hmmmmm,,, now that was an intelligent statement,,,, wow,, nice hunk of

you flung there Harry,,,, but reading between the lines,,, when one has

resort to viscous name calling,, you know they are unknowingly admitting
they lost the argument,,,,,,,, Your not too smart are you harry,,,,,,
again,, check with the doctor on that one,,,, she will confirm,,, second
opinion if you do not believe me,,,,

So you can't refute that comment, either.

'"'''Worry not; I have no call to do business with intellectual

like you. '''''''

Once again,, nice hunk of mud,,, no ,, do not worry,, your business

are lacking. You have never even been in business, your career or

income has
always been decided by collective agreements, the market has never

your income. So you cannot say the words do business, you simply lack

experience and knowledge required be an ethical business person,, and I

not do business with unethical business people,,, And I do not take

give that one up already,,,, it is hurting your case and your


Well, then, if you are not on drugs, you;'re just incredibly stupid. But
I already thought that.

You really need to learn how to write. You come across as a blubbering

  #7   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

Good Lord! I think we've got a 'Karen wanna be' on our hands.
Tuuk works on the old 'bullsh*t baffles brains' theory. He'll try to
overwhelm you with his verbal diarrhea.

  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

"Harry Krause" wrote in message

Please explain in detail...why you think the
insurgents in Iraq are friends of mine.

Well, you both hate Bush. You both rejoice when bad things happen to the
US. You both love to point to the negative rather than the positive. You
both have pretty low opinions of the average US soldier. The insurgents
send their kids off to blow themselves up, never to be heard from again, and
you...well...when was the last time you spoke with *your* kids?

The similarities are frightening.

  #9   Report Post  
John Smith
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

He spoke to his kids about the same time he spoke to his wife, Doctor Doctor

"NOYB" wrote in message

"Harry Krause" wrote in message

Please explain in detail...why you think the
insurgents in Iraq are friends of mine.

Well, you both hate Bush. You both rejoice when bad things happen to the
US. You both love to point to the negative rather than the positive. You
both have pretty low opinions of the average US soldier. The insurgents
send their kids off to blow themselves up, never to be heard from again,

you...well...when was the last time you spoke with *your* kids?

The similarities are frightening.

  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default It depends on who you feed.

NOYB wrote:

The insurgents
send their kids off to blow themselves up, never to be heard from again, and
you...well...when was the last time you spoke with *your* kids?

He's estranged from his children of his failed marriage, probably due to
the way in which he treated their mother.

It's one of those topics which he never speaks about, which is of
significance in view of all the other (supposed) details of his life
which he spews here in his attempts at self-aggrandizement.

-- Charlie
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