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-   -   Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately (

Skip Gundlach November 19th 07 01:59 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Thanks to all to whom the thanks would be obviously directed. The rest
of you can go **** yourselves (Bob, you're not among them, but now you
know what it takes to get me to say that).

For any of those who may actually have an interest in what's
happening rather than just wasting bandwidth on the local ****wit's
issues, Lydia has given me direction (much more than permission) to
talk about it. I'll do so - if I think there's any sincerity (my
apologies to those who I already know are, indeed) in the
communication - to all who care to correspond with me offlist. And,
as I'm not really given to melodrama, it will take me a little while
to compose my thoughts so they don't take orders of magnitude more
space than my usual postings here, so please forgive me if you've
already made this contact and I've not yet come back to you.

I don't think my information is hidden, as I've gotten some private
mail on the subject, but in case there's any doubt, you can find me at
skipgundlach at

We now return you to your regular programming.



Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
See our galleries at !
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"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to
make it come true. You may have to work for it however."
"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its
hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."
(Richard Bach, in The Reluctant Messiah)

Capt. JG November 19th 07 06:00 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
"Skip Gundlach" wrote in message
Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Thanks to all to whom the thanks would be obviously directed. The rest
of you can go **** yourselves (Bob, you're not among them, but now you
know what it takes to get me to say that).

For any of those who may actually have an interest in what's
happening rather than just wasting bandwidth on the local ****wit's
issues, Lydia has given me direction (much more than permission) to
talk about it. I'll do so - if I think there's any sincerity (my
apologies to those who I already know are, indeed) in the
communication - to all who care to correspond with me offlist. And,
as I'm not really given to melodrama, it will take me a little while
to compose my thoughts so they don't take orders of magnitude more
space than my usual postings here, so please forgive me if you've
already made this contact and I've not yet come back to you.

I don't think my information is hidden, as I've gotten some private
mail on the subject, but in case there's any doubt, you can find me at
skipgundlach at

We now return you to your regular programming.



Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
See our galleries at !
Follow us at and/or

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to
make it come true. You may have to work for it however."
"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its
hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."
(Richard Bach, in The Reluctant Messiah)

Skip, I think your posts are great. They're honest and a good read. That's
the best there is.

"j" ganz @@

Wilbur Hubbard[_2_] November 19th 07 10:35 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

"Skip Gundlach" wrote in message
Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Thanks to all to whom the thanks would be obviously directed. The rest
of you can go **** yourselves (Bob, you're not among them, but now you
know what it takes to get me to say that).

Sorry, but I don't have time to go **** myself, Skippy. Got too many women
nipping at my heels and I'm a generous individual if you get my drift.

For any of those who may actually have an interest in what's
happening rather than just wasting bandwidth on the local ****wit's
issues, Lydia has given me direction (much more than permission) to
talk about it.

Part of your problem, Skippy! Have you never learned that you are supposed
to be a man? I guess not. You seemed to have substituted a wife for the
mother you cannot seem to turn loose of. Real men do as they will and they
decide to do it of their own volition. Real men certainly do not need
"direction" from a woman. Do you not see what that means? It means you still
need your "Mommy." What a wimp!

I'll do so - if I think there's any sincerity (my
apologies to those who I already know are, indeed) in the
communication - to all who care to correspond with me offlist.

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad. I guess you are not the only one who still needs their "Mommy."
There sure seems to be a bunch of gullible idiots around these days. Anybody
who falls for your made-up tripe and actually finds your comic book
character believable is living in La La Land.

as I'm not really given to melodrama, it will take me a little while
to compose my thoughts so they don't take orders of magnitude more
space than my usual postings here, so please forgive me if you've
already made this contact and I've not yet come back to you.

Excuse me! Not given to melodrama?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahah hahahahhah
hhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahha
hahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahha haha. Then just what do
you call all those ridiculous trip reports listing screw-up after screw-up
if it is not melodrama? Face it, Skippy, if what you portray is your real
life then you are living a soap opera. A poorly written one at that. Not to
mention sorry, pitiful, sad, buffoonish, amateurish, clownish, in need of a
community to pull your fat out of the fire, etc.

I don't think my information is hidden, as I've gotten some private
mail on the subject, but in case there's any doubt, you can find me at
skipgundlach at

We now return you to your regular programming.

See, even YOU seem to realize your life is a soap opera. Program, indeed!
You had better beef up if you expect to play with the big boys, Skippy! I
suggest counseling -- soon and plentiful. You obviously don't enjoy
cruising. You obviously are not capable of enjoying it. What you enjoy is
running around doing stupid things and then yelling, "Hey, lookit me, lookit
ME!" You never grew up, Skippy. You are still a kid on the playground. Your
top priority is to be noticed. Even if you are noticed for your ineptitude
that is preferable to getting no attention at all. You are the direct
opposite of any successful sailor I know. Real sailors sail for sailing's
sake and they could not care less if a bunch of losers who hang on various
lists know the first thing about their cruising.

Yes, Skippy, get some counseling and get it fast.

Wilbur Hubbard

Bob November 19th 07 10:41 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Yes, Skippy, get some counseling and get it fast.

Wilbur Hubbard

Hey Willburr:

Ever read Charlots Web? Or in your case maybe watch the video?

Wilbur Hubbard[_2_] November 19th 07 10:55 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

"Bob" wrote in message

Yes, Skippy, get some counseling and get it fast.

Wilbur Hubbard

Hey Willburr:

Ever read Charlots Web? Or in your case maybe watch the video?

"Charlotte's Web," yes. But what do pigs and spiders and other farm animals
have to do with anything? Other than Skippy's boat is named Flying Pig? (An
apt name for such an abortion, BTW.)

Wilbur Hubbard

Jonathan W November 20th 07 01:10 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Wilbur Hubbard wrote:
"Skip Gundlach" wrote in message

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Thanks to all to whom the thanks would be obviously directed. The rest
of you can go **** yourselves (Bob, you're not among them, but now you
know what it takes to get me to say that).

Sorry, but I don't have time to go **** myself, Skippy. Got too many women
nipping at my heels and I'm a generous individual if you get my drift.

For any of those who may actually have an interest in what's
happening rather than just wasting bandwidth on the local ****wit's
issues, Lydia has given me direction (much more than permission) to
talk about it.

Part of your problem, Skippy! Have you never learned that you are supposed
to be a man? I guess not. You seemed to have substituted a wife for the
mother you cannot seem to turn loose of. Real men do as they will and they
decide to do it of their own volition. Real men certainly do not need
"direction" from a woman. Do you not see what that means? It means you still
need your "Mommy." What a wimp!

I'll do so - if I think there's any sincerity (my
apologies to those who I already know are, indeed) in the
communication - to all who care to correspond with me offlist.

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad. I guess you are not the only one who still needs their "Mommy."
There sure seems to be a bunch of gullible idiots around these days. Anybody
who falls for your made-up tripe and actually finds your comic book
character believable is living in La La Land.

Jesus Hubbard, you are such an incredible you have any
life beyond sniping at others online as the poseur that you seem to be?


I am building my daughter an Argie 10 sailing dinghy, check it out:

Bruce in Bangkok[_2_] November 20th 07 02:05 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 17:35:12 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Skip Gundlach" wrote in message
Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately

Thanks to all to whom the thanks would be obviously directed. The rest
of you can go **** yourselves (Bob, you're not among them, but now you
know what it takes to get me to say that).

Sorry, but I don't have time to go **** myself, Skippy. Got too many women
nipping at my heels and I'm a generous individual if you get my drift.

For any of those who may actually have an interest in what's
happening rather than just wasting bandwidth on the local ****wit's
issues, Lydia has given me direction (much more than permission) to
talk about it.

Part of your problem, Skippy! Have you never learned that you are supposed
to be a man? I guess not. You seemed to have substituted a wife for the
mother you cannot seem to turn loose of. Real men do as they will and they
decide to do it of their own volition. Real men certainly do not need
"direction" from a woman. Do you not see what that means? It means you still
need your "Mommy." What a wimp!

I'll do so - if I think there's any sincerity (my
apologies to those who I already know are, indeed) in the
communication - to all who care to correspond with me offlist.

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad. I guess you are not the only one who still needs their "Mommy."
There sure seems to be a bunch of gullible idiots around these days. Anybody
who falls for your made-up tripe and actually finds your comic book
character believable is living in La La Land.

as I'm not really given to melodrama, it will take me a little while
to compose my thoughts so they don't take orders of magnitude more
space than my usual postings here, so please forgive me if you've
already made this contact and I've not yet come back to you.

Excuse me! Not given to melodrama?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahaha hhahahahhah
hhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahha
hahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahaha. Then just what do
you call all those ridiculous trip reports listing screw-up after screw-up
if it is not melodrama? Face it, Skippy, if what you portray is your real
life then you are living a soap opera. A poorly written one at that. Not to
mention sorry, pitiful, sad, buffoonish, amateurish, clownish, in need of a
community to pull your fat out of the fire, etc.

I don't think my information is hidden, as I've gotten some private
mail on the subject, but in case there's any doubt, you can find me at
skipgundlach at

We now return you to your regular programming.

See, even YOU seem to realize your life is a soap opera. Program, indeed!
You had better beef up if you expect to play with the big boys, Skippy! I
suggest counseling -- soon and plentiful. You obviously don't enjoy
cruising. You obviously are not capable of enjoying it. What you enjoy is
running around doing stupid things and then yelling, "Hey, lookit me, lookit
ME!" You never grew up, Skippy. You are still a kid on the playground. Your
top priority is to be noticed. Even if you are noticed for your ineptitude
that is preferable to getting no attention at all. You are the direct
opposite of any successful sailor I know. Real sailors sail for sailing's
sake and they could not care less if a bunch of losers who hang on various
lists know the first thing about their cruising.

Yes, Skippy, get some counseling and get it fast.

Wilbur Hubbard

Helpful advise from the sage of who lives in a single wide
trailer, owns a boat he never sails and bicycles to work.

Just the sort of person to be advising an individual that has rebuilt
a boat, been on the rocks, repaired the boat and now cruised up and
down the Atlantic coast.

Willie-boy, if you had done half the jobs that Skip has done maybe
someone would listen to you instead of just muttering "stupid old
hubbie" when they see your posts.

(Note:remove underscores
from address for reply)

Bob November 20th 07 02:48 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On Nov 19, 6:05 pm, Bruce in Bangkok wrote:
, amateurish, clownish, in need of a

Just the sort of person to be advising an individual that has rebuilt
a boat, been on the rocks, repaired the boat and now cruised up and
down the Atlantic coast.

(Note:remove underscores
from address for reply)- Hide quoted text -

Good on mate !

Sir Thomas of Cannondale November 20th 07 03:06 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
I have no answers. But: the back and forth, the Hubbard, the this and

It sure is better than what's on tv.

Larry November 20th 07 05:01 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Bob wrote in news:7bb087e6-4e36-4890-8562-

On Nov 19, 6:05 pm, Bruce in Bangkok

, amateurish, clownish, in need of a

Just the sort of person to be advising an individual that has

a boat, been on the rocks, repaired the boat and now cruised

up and
down the Atlantic coast.

(Note:remove underscores
from address for reply)- Hide quoted text -

Good on mate !

Everyone needs to actually visit Skip's boat to appreciate what
he and Lydia have done. They just left Charleston, this past
week, after bringing the alternators back to the shop. The shop
in Anapolis hadn't a clue. Two regulators were bad...running
them wide open. Fixed now.

I'm glad to call him my friend.....(c;

Thanks for dinner and great company, you three!...

mr.b November 20th 07 12:40 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:05:19 +0700, Bruce in Bangkok quoted a moron:

please do not feed the troll
then move on

fair winds

Martin Baxter November 20th 07 01:00 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Wilbur Hubbard wrote:

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad.

Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o

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Jere Lull November 21st 07 12:17 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On 2007-11-20 08:00:58 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Wilbur Hubbard wrote:

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that
is really sad.

Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o

Yes, and we're ignoring the troll ;-)

Jere Lull
Tanzer 28 #4 out of Tolchester, MD
Xan's pages:
Our BVI trips & tips:

[email protected] November 21st 07 02:02 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Our poor brother Hubbard, alas still tied to his dock
with only a sailor named Skip trying sadly to mock.

He blusters as if he's such a great sailor, but in truth he's really
just a magnificent wailer

He eludes to many a woman, which upon their first meeting,
probably are swimin for shore (not to far from the dock) before the
cockpit seating. .

So we ignore his lowly sass, cause we all know he's simply an ass
trying to establish a modicum of class.

Those of us who know the Skip, admire his zest, and
even though we're exposed to the venom of Hubbard

see clearly thru the envy caused by his misguided quest ,
cause deep down inside he really truly knows Skip (compared to him) is
really his best!

Martin Baxter November 21st 07 01:11 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Jere Lull wrote:
On 2007-11-20 08:00:58 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Wilbur Hubbard wrote:

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that
is really sad.

Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o

Yes, and we're ignoring the troll ;-)

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment value,
sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.


Martin Baxter November 21st 07 05:28 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:11:00 -0500, Martin Baxter

Jere Lull wrote:
On 2007-11-20 08:00:58 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Wilbur Hubbard wrote:
Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that
is really sad.
Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o
Yes, and we're ignoring the troll ;-)

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment value,
sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.


"sort of"?

Alright, a "lot" like....


Martin Baxter November 21st 07 05:32 PM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Paul Cassel wrote:
Martin Baxter wrote:

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment
value, sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.

I enjoy his posts. He's the Usenet equivalent of the House character on TV.

Yeah, except House is intelligent, Neal is rather dull, House is witty,
Neal is merely vulgar, women want to sleep with House, women want to run
from Neal,,,, other than a few other little things they're identical! ;-0



Jere Lull November 22nd 07 12:29 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On 2007-11-21 08:11:00 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Jere Lull wrote:
On 2007-11-20 08:00:58 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Wilbur Hubbard wrote:

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad.

Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o

Yes, and we're ignoring the troll ;-)

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment
value, sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.

He used to be somewhat entertaining because of a kernel of truth he

But he's descended into *being* the village idiot, not just playing one.

A total disconnect with reality isn't entertaining.

Time for Neal to establish another persona, as "Wilber" has run his course.

Jere Lull
Tanzer 28 #4 out of Tolchester, MD
Xan's pages:
Our BVI trips & tips:

Bruce in Bangkok[_2_] November 22nd 07 01:06 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 00:29:42 GMT, Jere Lull wrote:

On 2007-11-21 08:11:00 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Jere Lull wrote:
On 2007-11-20 08:00:58 -0500, Martin Baxter said:

Wilbur Hubbard wrote:

Some people actually waste their time with you via e-mail? Man, that is
really sad.

Does no one else see the irony in these words? ;-o

Yes, and we're ignoring the troll ;-)

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment
value, sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.

He used to be somewhat entertaining because of a kernel of truth he

But he's descended into *being* the village idiot, not just playing one.

A total disconnect with reality isn't entertaining.

Time for Neal to establish another persona, as "Wilber" has run his course.

His web site has been removed also. whether by design, failure to pay
fees or because of content is not stated.

(Note:remove underscores
from address for reply)

Paul Cassel November 22nd 07 04:28 AM

Skip, and Lydia, in general, lately
Martin Baxter wrote:

Ok, but you must he admit he does provide a certain entertainment value,
sort of like watching the antics of the village idiot.

I enjoy his posts. He's the Usenet equivalent of the House character on TV.


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