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-   -   I decided (

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:05 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
. ..
Yes, and it would be destroyed and be just as uninhabitable before, just
as Joe's boat.

And your evidence supporting that assertion
is................................................ .................?

Ummm... it was abandoned?

I've sailed boats in the 30ft to 40ft class (Valiant, Cal, Endeavor,
O'Day, Catalina, Beneteaux, Erickson, etc.) for some 50 years.

Did you learn anything?

Capt., I didn't start this particular discussion thread, but since I'm one
of the few Mac owners on the ng, I feel some obligation occasionally

Key phrase: one of the few.

And, you thought wrong.

And your proof supporting that particular assertion

Common knowledge and experience. And, your counter supporting proof is....?

Gospel or knot, the Mac is a bad choice except under some very specific
conditions, none of which include offshore.

Wrong again.

And, that's why it's chosen as an offshore passagemaker the world over. Got

I have a personal bias based on my experience on many boats, including a
friend's older Mac26.

And how old was that Mac26 Gantz?

Older that yours, better reenforced for the demanding conditions where he
sails it.

Last name is Ganz, btw.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:06 AM

I decided
"Thom Stewart" wrote in message

Just passing thru and an missed a lot BUT this I Know. A sailboat that
loses it Mast becomes more stable, immediately. This has been proven
many times. Even laying a-hull the stability is improved.

The problem is getting rid of the Damn Mast before it punches a hole in
the Hull

You need to revise your knowledge. It's not true. See the other threads.

Hope all is well...

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:09 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
. ..
Feel free to believe what you want.

And also to believe the recommendations of references such as the
Annapolis Book of Seamship Gantz? It's pretty clear that heaving to can be
dangerous in heavy, breaking seas.

As opposed to what? Sitting at home?

Do better? Now, that's funny. Even if it didn't sink immediately, it
would be completely uninhabitable, and since all the rigging would be
gone, it would be unsailable.

Wrong again Gantz. I'm not suggesting that the rigging and mast would be
gone, merely tied securely. But even if they were, with storm anchor
deployed, the boat wouldn't broach. As to your contention that it would
roll and roll and roll and roll with a sea anchor deployed, once again,
where is your evidence supporting that particular assertion? Apparently,
you have none at all. (Seems like we have gone through this discussin
several times before, yet you continue to post those preposterous
speculations as fact. - Is there an echo on this ng?

And, you base that on what experience JimE? Is there an echo in your head?
Deploying a sea anchor is certainly a good idea. Don't worry, you won't have
a chance if you take your Mac out in a storm.

Despite Jim's rather bizarre assumptions about survivability in a Mac in
heavy seas, the discussion did get me thinking about rigging.

In other words, you're backing off your previous dogmatic position...

Ummm.... this was a response to Bruce or did you bump your head on your

Right. A response to Bruce. - Crawfishing on your earlier statements.

It was unless you'd care to deny it. Reality, despite your best try, does
intrude from time to time.

Have a nice evening Gantz.

Always do JimE.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:10 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
. ..


On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:56:29 -0600, JimC

Assuming the boat can't sink (which I seriously doubt - given the
pounding it would endure, it would likely break up), it would be
dismasted for sure. Then, (not that sailing would have ever been an
option), your only chance for survival would be below decks, while
the boat rolled over and over and over, perhaps even pitchpolling
from time to time. It would be like being in a washing machine with
heavy and sharp objects. You'd find yourself in a non-habitable
environment of flying hazards including yourself that would break
your bones into mush. In desperation to escape, you would vacate the
premises, and then either be thrown off the boat by the wave action
or you would remove yourself

from the boat deliberately. Either way, you wouldn't survive.

Actually, Captain, your conclusions are unfounded and your assertions
unsupported. Of course, I didn't say that I would want to take my Mac
200 miles offshore, nor would I recommend it to anyone else. What I
DID say was that if Joe were offshore in a Mac26M, the boat would
have stayed afloat and would not have been dragged to the bottom of
the Gulf by a heavy keel. (Also, if Neal had a Mac 26M instead of his
no-boat-at-all, he could spend more of his time sailing instead of
posting negative, critical notes on this ng.)

You claim that the Mac would have "rolled over and over and over,
perhaps even picthcpolling [sic]." This, of course, may be your
opinion, and actually I don't question that you sincerely believe
this to be the case. But, other than your own personal biases, what
evidence to you have to support this assertion? - Is it the usual
negative bias against the Macs that you think you can safely rely on?
Is it the fact that you don't think anyone on this ng would want to
question any negative bull**** posted on the ng regarding the Macs?
Or, alternatively (and assuming that the skipper wasn't drunk and
didn't go offshore with an empty ballast tank, and that he had enough
sense to put out a storm anchor), do you actually have some valid
evidence or proof supporting your assertions? -Including your
assertion that the the Macs will roll over and over and over and over
again in heavy seas, and perhaps pitchpoll? If the latter, i.e., if
you have some valid evidence, let's see the evidence and statistics
supporting your theories. You also say that the Macs will simply
"break up" in heavy seas. Again, where is your evidence, other than
anecdotes and hearsay, supporting this assertion?

And to anyone else who wants to bash the Macs, WHERE IS YOUR

In any event, despite all the supercilious anti-Mac propaganda, the
fact remains that the Mac 26s are one of the few boats over 25 feet
(not the only one, but one of the few) to have positive floatation.


Are you claiming that a dismasted boat in heavy seas won't roll?

What I am claiming is that you have no evidence to back up your
assertions, and that perhaps you ought to qualify them. As to any
susceptibility of the boat to roll, I (and others) have tried to pull
it over with pulleys for cleaning. While initially tender, after a few
degrees of heel it rapidly becomes very stiff and resistant to further
movement. If dismasted, the ballast would still be functional, and I'm
assuming the skipper would have put out a sea anchor. I'm not saying
that the boat wouldn't roll under any circumstances, but that's not
going to be easy to accomplish, and the boat tends to right itself

If so, well QED. No on besides yourself would even consider taking a
Mac out in those

conditions, so you're right I have absolutely NO evidence. LOL

It would be nice if you would respond to what I actually said rather
than what you would have liked for me to say. - I didn't say I would
take the boat 200 miles offshore. In fact, I said that I WOULDN'T want
to take the boat 200 miles offshore. Nevertheless, the boat is built to
float even if the hull is compromised and even if, under some strange
circumstance, the boat rolled. As unpleasant as that would be, it would
be better than being on a conventional boat while it was being pulled
to the bottom by its heay keel. In contrast, in the Mac, unless the
hull is completely torn apart, there is sufficient floatation to keep
the boat afloat even if the hull is compromised.

I said that you have no evidence, other than anecdotes and hearsay, to
back up your assertions. Thanks for proving my point. LOL.


I have.

So, you're saying that because a boat supposedly will continue to float
means that it won't capsize over and over? Perhaps you should read
Fastnet Force 10, and get back to us. That's exactly what happened to
several boats. They continued to float, yet rolled over and over to the
point where the crews abandoned them (to their peril).

Did I say that? - (Nope.) But so far, you haven't provided evidence that
a Mac, with a sea anchor deployed, would roll over and over again. You
said that it would several times (over and over again) but you didn't
support your assertions.

You can stop right there. There is no attachment point on a Mac26m
that is anywhere near strong enough to attach a sea anchor.

Wrong again Ganz. You are judging the Mac's rigging by what's necessary on
a heavy keel boat. Because of it's small size and relative light weight,
the cleats and bow fittings used on the Macs are entirely adequate. What I
would do in the case of approaching severe weather conditions would be to
form a towing bridle connected around the two bow chucks, with extensions
to the mid-deck cleats, and then tie the sea anchor to the bridle.


You really must be damaged. Did I say this????? No... but please feel free
to claim I did.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:11 AM

I decided
"Marty" wrote in message
JimC wrote:
adequate. What I would do in the case of approaching severe weather
conditions would be to form a towing bridle connected around the two bow

Wow! Since you have all this experience on "big" sailboats, perhaps you
could explain what a "bow chuck" is?


Gross! LOL

"j" ganz @@

JimC April 18th 08 04:12 AM

I decided

jeff wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether
anyone had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy seas.
(Many of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No one had
heard of any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands out
there, all over the world and in all types of conditions.

Really? I'd love to see an account of a Mac 26X/M doing a real offshore
passage. I don't doubt that there have been a few, but most of the
comments I see are more like "I take my Mac out on the open ocean and it
does quite well, especially since I can power in before it get too
rough. But I wouldn't want to do a real ocean crossing." The fact that
Macs are taken out in the open ocean, such as a crossing to Catalina (or
Boston to P'town, or even crossing to the Bahamas) does not mean they
have been "offshore."

I'm a fair weather cruiser with little ambition to do long passages, but
every year or two I get "caught out" in 30-40 knots, or maybe 8-10 foot
seas. My boat handles this with no problem, and these conditions should
be survivable by a Mac, assuming a competent skipper. But when you say
"offshore" you're implying the possibility of much worse conditions, 50+
knots, large breaking seas, and storms lasting several days. I'm just a
bit skeptical that Macs have endured such conditions on many occasions.

I think the discussion has related largely to conditions such as those
Joe experienced in the Gulf of Mexico. - Regarding accounts of ocean
voyages, I have read of a number of them on various Mac discussion
groups, although not many are true extended ocean crossings. On the
other hand, with thousands of Macs out there, in US and foreign waters,
the probabilities of exposure to various problems under sail is
significant. In other words, with that many boats exposed to the
vagaries of weather, other severe conditions, collisions, inexperienced
or distracted skippers, etc., etc., problems can arise no matter where
the boats are being sailed. My point is that, so far, we don't see any
reports of any tendencies of the boats to break up or sink.


Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:12 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
. ..
So, what did you experience? Do tell. Certainly, this wasn't on your Mac.

I've been at sea in some rough conditions, and sailed and motored in what
we were told was a 80-90 mph storm. Also sailed offshore on several boats
in a variety of conditions. Also qualified as a crewmember on the 1877
bark Elissa, sailing several years from Galveston, which involved climbing
rope ladders 100 feet up the masts and furling and unfurling sails in some
exciting conditions aloft.

Like I said, "wasn't on your Mac."

I haven't presented any evidence that the moon revolves around the Earth
either. Do I need to support my assertion that it does?

As far as I know, we're discussing characteristics of the Mac 26M, not the
moon. But please correct me if I'm wrong on that Ganz.

Too bad. The moon can sometimes be seen.

You're assuming a situation that likely will not be possible after a
dismasting with someone trying to stay on a boat that is totally
unstable. That's a pretty weak assumption.

From your last statement, it's pretty clear that you don't know much
about boats. A dismasting in and of itself, doesn't cause a sinking.

Did I say that? Don't think so.

Capt, this entire string revolves around slamming the Macs. - Check out
Neal's original post.

My mistake. It *is* about your Mac!

Is it, Ganz? I thought you were also discussing the moon.

At least you got my name right.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:13 AM

I decided
"Marty" wrote in message
JimC wrote:
keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on the
Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and sinking, in
heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of stress.

Nor has anyone posted any credible evidence of a Mac26m/x surviving such
conditions. Perhaps because no one has been stupid enough to try it.


Uh oh... I'm vacuous.. or at least the company I keep is...

"j" ganz @@

JimC April 18th 08 04:14 AM

I decided

Chip Thomas wrote:

jeff wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether
anyone had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy
seas. (Many of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No
one had heard of any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands
out there, all over the world and in all types of conditions.

Really? I'd love to see an account of a Mac 26X/M doing a real
offshore passage. I don't doubt that there have been a few, but most
of the comments I see are more like "I take my Mac out on the open
ocean and it does quite well, especially since I can power in before
it get too rough. But I wouldn't want to do a real ocean crossing."
The fact that Macs are taken out in the open ocean, such as a crossing
to Catalina (or Boston to P'town, or even crossing to the Bahamas)
does not mean they have been "offshore."

I'm a fair weather cruiser with little ambition to do long passages,
but every year or two I get "caught out" in 30-40 knots, or maybe
8-10 foot seas. My boat handles this with no problem, and these
conditions should be survivable by a Mac, assuming a competent
skipper. But when you say "offshore" you're implying the possibility
of much worse conditions, 50+ knots, large breaking seas, and storms
lasting several days. I'm just a bit skeptical that Macs have endured
such conditions on many occasions.


Mac 26X/M are unsafe in the presence of air.

Have a nice evening Chip.


Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:14 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message

Well, come on... what are the advantages of heavier boats? You claim
they're more comfortable. Is this just at the dock or perhaps it includes
offshore. Yes, it's a rhetorial question.

I've discussed those advantages many times in prior discussions, Ganz, but
you apparently prefer to forget such comments and stick with your
caricatures (what you like to consider as inexperienced, naive Mac
owners). - In answer to your "rhetorial" question, larger, conventional
keeled sailboats are heavier and usually more comfortable in heavy
weather; they can be faster under sail, due to their longer water lines;
and they have greater storage capacity suitable for provisioning for
extended crossings. With a deep keel, they can normally point higher. And
there's usually more room on their deck for sexy girls to see and be seen.
Also, don't forget that if the skipper has inferiority problems, they can
be a good ego booster.


Yep. I like the answer. Now, take a look at your Mac. What do you see?
(answer: none of the above) LOL

"j" ganz @@

JimC April 18th 08 04:29 AM

I decided

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether
anyone had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy seas.
(Many of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No one had
heard of any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands out
there, all over the world and in all types of conditions.

Well Jim, to use your tack, please provide reliable evidence of a Mac26
surviving an open ocean passage that involves a significant storm,
duration greater that 48hrs, oh hell I'd settle for 24.

Hi Marty. Before I respond to your note, would you please show me any
note I posted stating that the Mac is suitable for use on an open ocean
passage of any kind? Seems to me that what I stated was that I wouldn't
want to take mine 200 miles offshore. Nevertheless, the Mac's do have
positive floatation, and they don't have a heavy keel that would drag
the boat quickly to the bottom if the hull were compromised. Marty, so
far, no one has provided ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL of one breaking apart and
sinking under ANY conditions, offshore, inshore, heavy weather, squalls,
drunk skipper, collisions. No one. Nada. Despite the thousands of Macs
out there.

As stated above, the Mac 26 is one of, if not the most popular series of
sailboats ever made, with thousands still in use both in the US and in
various foreign countries. And many Mac 26 owners (in the US and in
foreign waters) have taken their boats offshore, though few are used in
open crossings. In view of the thousands of Mac26s out there, if the
Macs did have a tendency to break up and sink, under stress of any kind,
it would be impossible to keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no
one (on this ng or on the Mac owners ng) has heard of ANY Mac26 breaking
up and sinking, in heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms
of stress.

Secondly, remember that I wasn't the one who posted statements to the
effect that the Macs would break up and sink in severe conditions. Those
statements were posted by Ganz, with vacuous support from several
others. Since Ganz and his friends posted those assertions, Ganz and his
friends are the ones who should be providing evidence and proof
supporting their theories. - They haven't, of course, and they clearly
are unable to do so.

Have a nice evening.


JimC April 18th 08 04:36 AM

I decided

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Assuming the boat can't sink (which I seriously doubt - given the
pounding it would endure, it would likely break up),

--- Any evidence or proof to back up that statement Capt? No?

Is there any proof that if I go after it with a sawsall it'll remain intact?

it would be dismasted for sure.

Any evidence or proof to support that assertion Capt?.... No?

Like I said, you know next to nothing about boats. That is certainly my
assertion, and the proof is what you bought and then claim it's going to do
fine offshore in storm conditions.

Don't believe I said that, Ganz. - Could you please point out the
particular note in which I said it would "do fine offshore in storm
conditions?" What I said was that you have provided no evidence that it
would break up and sink.

Then, (not that sailing would have ever been an option), your only chance
for survival would be below decks, while the boat rolled over and over
and over, perhaps even pitchpolling from time to time.

Any evidence or proof to back up that particular assertion Capt? ....No?

See other thread parts. This is boring.

In other words, you have no answer?

It would be like being in

a washing machine with heavy and sharp objects. You'd find yourself in a
non-habitable environment of flying hazards including yourself that would
break your bones into mush.


Not so funny if you happen to be there.

In desperation to escape, you would vacate the

premises, and then either be thrown off the boat by the wave action or
you would remove yourself from the boat deliberately.

That's fascinating piece of fiction Capt. - Have you considered writing a

Read it as fact in a non-fiction book... actually several.

A non-fiction book about a Mac 26M Ganz?

Either way, you wouldn't


Great fiction Capt. Too bad you have no evidence or proof whatsoever to
support it.

Yeah, too bad.

Once more Ganz, you do seem to have a fertile imagination and an
interesting, colorful style of fiction writing. I would encourage you to
give it a try.


JimC April 18th 08 04:46 AM

I decided

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on
the Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and
sinking, in heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of

Nor has anyone posted any credible evidence of a Mac26m/x surviving such
conditions. Perhaps because no one has been stupid enough to try it.


Marty, in view of the fact that no one, on this board or elsewhere, has
posted any accounts of any of the thousands of Mac 26Ms breaking up and
sinking under any conditions, as was initially claimed, do you really
think they have such a propensity? Seems to me that since that was what
was claimed, we should expect some proof or evidence of some sort from
Ganz and his buddies. If Ganz would just post ten or so accounts of such
Mac "sinkings," then I'll do my best to research the issue further. For
the time being, though, it should be apparent that I'm responding to
some 15 or so Mac-bashers simultaneously (not really difficult, but it
does get to be time-consuming), so I don't have lots of free time for
extensive research.

In any event, have a nice evening Marty.


JimC April 18th 08 04:54 AM

I decided

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

adequate. What I would do in the case of approaching severe weather
conditions would be to form a towing bridle connected around the two
bow chucks,

Wow! Since you have all this experience on "big" sailboats, perhaps you
could explain what a "bow chuck" is? -


-- Bow cleats --

Wow, Marty. You sure are smart, and you must be an old salt for sure.
You sure did get me on that one, didn't you? Bet you're proud of yourself.

(Incidentally, Marty, try responding simultaneously to 15 obviously
frustrated Mac-bashers for a few days and see if you don't make a few


Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:56 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on the
Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and sinking, in
heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of stress.

Nor has anyone posted any credible evidence of a Mac26m/x surviving such
conditions. Perhaps because no one has been stupid enough to try it.


Marty, in view of the fact that no one, on this board or elsewhere, has
posted any accounts of any of the thousands of Mac 26Ms breaking up and
sinking under any conditions, as was initially claimed, do you really
think they have such a propensity? Seems to me that since that was what
was claimed, we should expect some proof or evidence of some sort from
Ganz and his buddies. If Ganz would just post ten or so accounts of such
Mac "sinkings," then I'll do my best to research the issue further. For
the time being, though, it should be apparent that I'm responding to some
15 or so Mac-bashers simultaneously (not really difficult, but it does get
to be time-consuming), so I don't have lots of free time for extensive

In any event, have a nice evening Marty.


Jim, Jim... it's not about bashing Macs, which is certainly easy to do. It's
about the choices one makes. For some people, I'm sure you're one of them,
and for some sailing locals and conditions, they're fine, perhaps even
great. But, they're not for offshore, which should be obvious to anyone who
has taken a look at the boat in general and the standing rigging in
particular. Even you must admit that the rigging isn't comparable to a true
offshore-capable boat.

I suspect that you're not dumb enough to take your boat out in conditions
that Joe and a few others here have taken their boats. If you are dumb
enough, I hope you survive to put us all down properly.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 04:58 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
As stated above, the Mac 26 is one of, if not the most popular series of
sailboats ever made, with thousands still in use both in the US and in
various foreign countries.

The Big Mac is the most popular burger ever. Doesn't mean I'd try and order
one in an expensive restaurant.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:00 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

"j" ganz @@

JimC April 18th 08 05:02 AM

I decided

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message
. ..


On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:56:29 -0600, JimC

Wrong again Ganz. You are judging the Mac's rigging by what's necessary on
a heavy keel boat. Because of it's small size and relative light weight,
the cleats and bow fittings used on the Macs are entirely adequate. What I
would do in the case of approaching severe weather conditions would be to
form a towing bridle connected around the two bow chucks, with extensions
to the mid-deck cleats, and then tie the sea anchor to the bridle.


You really must be damaged. Did I say this????? No... but please feel free
to claim I did.

Ganz, what you said was: There is no attachment point on a Mac26m
that is anywhere near strong enough to attach a sea anchor.

Do you have evidence supporting that particular assertion?


Marty[_2_] April 18th 08 05:05 AM

I decided
JimC wrote:

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on
the Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and
sinking, in heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of

Nor has anyone posted any credible evidence of a Mac26m/x surviving
such conditions. Perhaps because no one has been stupid enough to try


Marty, in view of the fact that no one, on this board or elsewhere, has
posted any accounts of any of the thousands of Mac 26Ms breaking up and
sinking under any conditions, as was initially claimed,

Whoa, stop! Who claimed that "thousands of Mac26Ms" broke up?


Marty[_2_] April 18th 08 05:08 AM

I decided
JimC wrote:

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether
anyone had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy
seas. (Many of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No
one had heard of any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands
out there, all over the world and in all types of conditions.

Well Jim, to use your tack, please provide reliable evidence of a
Mac26 surviving an open ocean passage that involves a significant
storm, duration greater that 48hrs, oh hell I'd settle for 24.

Hi Marty. Before I respond to your note, would you please show me any
note I posted stating that the Mac is suitable for use on an open ocean
passage of any kind?

You're being facetious right?


JimC April 18th 08 05:12 AM

I decided

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message
. ..

Feel free to believe what you want.

And also to believe the recommendations of references such as the
Annapolis Book of Seamship Gantz? It's pretty clear that heaving to can be
dangerous in heavy, breaking seas.

As opposed to what? Sitting at home?

As opposed to other methods such as deploying a sea anchor.

Do better? Now, that's funny. Even if it didn't sink immediately, it
would be completely uninhabitable, and since all the rigging would be
gone, it would be unsailable.

Wrong again Gantz. I'm not suggesting that the rigging and mast would be
gone, merely tied securely. But even if they were, with storm anchor
deployed, the boat wouldn't broach. As to your contention that it would
roll and roll and roll and roll with a sea anchor deployed, once again,
where is your evidence supporting that particular assertion? Apparently,
you have none at all. (Seems like we have gone through this discussin
several times before, yet you continue to post those preposterous
speculations as fact. - Is there an echo on this ng?

And, you base that on what experience JimE? Is there an echo in your head?
Deploying a sea anchor is certainly a good idea. Don't worry, you won't have
a chance if you take your Mac out in a storm.

My point is that you have posted a number of rather "colorful"
assertions that are unsupported by evidence or proof of any kind. And
you can't seem to stop. - You seem to be addicted to it.


cavelamb himself[_4_] April 18th 08 05:15 AM

I decided
Capt. JG wrote:
"JimC" wrote in message

Well, come on... what are the advantages of heavier boats? You claim
they're more comfortable. Is this just at the dock or perhaps it includes
offshore. Yes, it's a rhetorial question.

I've discussed those advantages many times in prior discussions, Ganz, but
you apparently prefer to forget such comments and stick with your
caricatures (what you like to consider as inexperienced, naive Mac
owners). - In answer to your "rhetorial" question, larger, conventional
keeled sailboats are heavier and usually more comfortable in heavy
weather; they can be faster under sail, due to their longer water lines;
and they have greater storage capacity suitable for provisioning for
extended crossings. With a deep keel, they can normally point higher. And
there's usually more room on their deck for sexy girls to see and be seen.
Also, don't forget that if the skipper has inferiority problems, they can
be a good ego booster.


Yep. I like the answer. Now, take a look at your Mac. What do you see?
(answer: none of the above) LOL

There are two Macs (a 25D and 26D) in my local racing circle that have
been to the Bahamas several times.

Does that count?


Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:56 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

adequate. What I would do in the case of approaching severe weather
conditions would be to form a towing bridle connected around the two bow

Wow! Since you have all this experience on "big" sailboats, perhaps you
could explain what a "bow chuck" is? - Cheers

-- Bow cleats --

Wow, Marty. You sure are smart, and you must be an old salt for sure. You
sure did get me on that one, didn't you? Bet you're proud of yourself.

(Incidentally, Marty, try responding simultaneously to 15 obviously
frustrated Mac-bashers for a few days and see if you don't make a few


I didn't think it was that obvious.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:58 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message
You really must be damaged. Did I say this????? No... but please feel
free to claim I did.

Ganz, what you said was: There is no attachment point on a Mac26m
that is anywhere near strong enough to attach a sea anchor.

Do you have evidence supporting that particular assertion?


No Jim, I didn't say it. Salty said it. Check the history. I wish I had said
it. I wish I knew if it was true, but I don't and I don't really care. It
sounds good.

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:58 AM

I decided
"Marty" wrote in message
JimC wrote:

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

keep that tendency a secret. - Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on the
Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and sinking, in
heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of stress.

Nor has anyone posted any credible evidence of a Mac26m/x surviving such
conditions. Perhaps because no one has been stupid enough to try it.


Marty, in view of the fact that no one, on this board or elsewhere, has
posted any accounts of any of the thousands of Mac 26Ms breaking up and
sinking under any conditions, as was initially claimed,

Whoa, stop! Who claimed that "thousands of Mac26Ms" broke up?


I did, apparently! LOL Maybe there's a meta message here from Jim....

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:59 AM

I decided
"cavelamb himself" wrote in message
Capt. JG wrote:
"JimC" wrote in message

Well, come on... what are the advantages of heavier boats? You claim
they're more comfortable. Is this just at the dock or perhaps it
includes offshore. Yes, it's a rhetorial question.

I've discussed those advantages many times in prior discussions, Ganz,
but you apparently prefer to forget such comments and stick with your
caricatures (what you like to consider as inexperienced, naive Mac
owners). - In answer to your "rhetorial" question, larger, conventional
keeled sailboats are heavier and usually more comfortable in heavy
weather; they can be faster under sail, due to their longer water lines;
and they have greater storage capacity suitable for provisioning for
extended crossings. With a deep keel, they can normally point higher. And
there's usually more room on their deck for sexy girls to see and be
seen. Also, don't forget that if the skipper has inferiority problems,
they can be a good ego booster.


Yep. I like the answer. Now, take a look at your Mac. What do you see?
(answer: none of the above) LOL

There are two Macs (a 25D and 26D) in my local racing circle that have
been to the Bahamas several times.

Does that count?


No idea. Jim... does that count?

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 18th 08 05:59 AM

I decided
"Marty" wrote in message
JimC wrote:

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether anyone
had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy seas. (Many
of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No one had heard of
any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands out there, all over
the world and in all types of conditions.

Well Jim, to use your tack, please provide reliable evidence of a Mac26
surviving an open ocean passage that involves a significant storm,
duration greater that 48hrs, oh hell I'd settle for 24.

Hi Marty. Before I respond to your note, would you please show me any
note I posted stating that the Mac is suitable for use on an open ocean
passage of any kind?

You're being facetious right?


Jim... this is another one of the rhetorical questions.. LOL

"j" ganz @@

Martin Baxter April 18th 08 01:16 PM

I decided
JimC wrote:

Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

adequate. What I would do in the case of approaching severe weather
conditions would be to form a towing bridle connected around the two
bow chucks,

Wow! Since you have all this experience on "big" sailboats, perhaps
you could explain what a "bow chuck" is? -

-- Bow cleats --

Wow, Marty. You sure are smart, and you must be an old salt for sure.
You sure did get me on that one, didn't you? Bet you're proud of yourself.

(Incidentally, Marty, try responding simultaneously to 15 obviously
frustrated Mac-bashers for a few days and see if you don't make a few

Ah, now the ad hominems roll out. I thought you meant chock, changing
'cleat" to "chuck" seemed a bit of a stretch.

I, ala Roger Long am bailing out of this ludicrous thread.


Jeff April 18th 08 01:54 PM

I decided
JimC wrote:

jeff wrote:

JimC wrote:

Out of curiosity, I asked the MacGregor discussion group whether
anyone had heard of a Mac 26 breaking up and/or sinking in heavy
seas. (Many of the Mac owners have taken their boats offshore.) No
one had heard of any such incidence. As you say, there are thousands
out there, all over the world and in all types of conditions.

Really? I'd love to see an account of a Mac 26X/M doing a real
offshore passage. I don't doubt that there have been a few, but most
of the comments I see are more like "I take my Mac out on the open
ocean and it does quite well, especially since I can power in before
it get too rough. But I wouldn't want to do a real ocean crossing."
The fact that Macs are taken out in the open ocean, such as a crossing
to Catalina (or Boston to P'town, or even crossing to the Bahamas)
does not mean they have been "offshore."

I'm a fair weather cruiser with little ambition to do long passages,
but every year or two I get "caught out" in 30-40 knots, or maybe
8-10 foot seas. My boat handles this with no problem, and these
conditions should be survivable by a Mac, assuming a competent
skipper. But when you say "offshore" you're implying the possibility
of much worse conditions, 50+ knots, large breaking seas, and storms
lasting several days. I'm just a bit skeptical that Macs have endured
such conditions on many occasions.

I think the discussion has related largely to conditions such as those
Joe experienced in the Gulf of Mexico.

That was not quite an ocean passage, but it was about 900 miles
altogether, including the last 550 miles of open water. This was not a
little peek outside the harbor's mouth. While not the North Atlantic in
Winter, or hurricane season, it was a lot more than any Mac trip I've
heard of. And the discussion certainly seems to be about survival
weather, since you're talking about the relative merits of laying ahull
and laying off a sea anchor.

- Regarding accounts of ocean
voyages, I have read of a number of them on various Mac discussion
groups, although not many are true extended ocean crossings.

Were any of them more than a day trip? Out of sight of land? Any
Bermuda crossings? Come on, Jim, you're the one who always insists on
some proof, now its your turn to ante up.

I've spent time perusing the Mac boards and I've yet to find a mention
of really strong conditions. "Heavy Weather" in Mac terms seems to be
20-25 kts with a three foot chop, and most owners say they hope to never
see worse. And while I've seen no stories of total breakups, there are
a number of cases of dismastings and lots of rudder problems. And then
there's the break away dagger board issue (yes, they only cost $250)
that you claim is actually the shallow water alarm. And need I remind
you that people have drowned in a capsized Mac?

On the
other hand, with thousands of Macs out there, in US and foreign waters,
the probabilities of exposure to various problems under sail is
significant. In other words, with that many boats exposed to the
vagaries of weather, other severe conditions, collisions, inexperienced
or distracted skippers, etc., etc., problems can arise no matter where
the boats are being sailed.

Nope, claiming it must have happened because there are a lot of Macs out
there doesn't cut it. As I (and a number of others) have pointed out,
even though I've cruised the entire East Coast, and spend a few months
each summer cruising New England, I've never seen a Mac outside of
protected waters.

My point is that, so far, we don't see any
reports of any tendencies of the boats to break up or sink.

True, but meaningless unless you can show that they have actually
survived true heavy weather. Laser's don't break up or sink, but that
doesn't mean they are a suitable "offshore" boat.

And BTW, when you got your boat you said you intended to take it
offshore. Perhaps I missed your accounts of these ventures, can you
repost them?

Jeff April 18th 08 02:06 PM

I decided
JimC wrote:
Hi Marty. Before I respond to your note, would you please show me any
note I posted stating that the Mac is suitable for use on an open ocean
passage of any kind? Seems to me that what I stated was that I wouldn't
want to take mine 200 miles offshore. Nevertheless, the Mac's do have
positive floatation, and they don't have a heavy keel that would drag
the boat quickly to the bottom if the hull were compromised. Marty, so
far, no one has provided ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL of one breaking apart and
sinking under ANY conditions, offshore, inshore, heavy weather, squalls,
drunk skipper, collisions. No one. Nada. Despite the thousands of Macs
out there.

Perhaps true, but we do have evidence of drowning on a Mac that rolled
over. Does the fact the the boat didn't sink make you feel better?

[email protected] April 18th 08 02:18 PM

I decided
JimC wrote:
Obviously, you have no knowledge of the design and construction of the
Mac 26M.

Obviously, you have no knowledge of what I know. Is the vigorous
assertion of other's ignorance your only evidence that you know
anything at all, much less about sailing?

.... In contrast to your assertion, it is made with multiple
fiberglas-resin layups, NOT CHOPPER GUNS.

WOW! "Multiple fiberglas-resin layups" ?!? Does that mean it has,
like, more than one layer of fiberglass? Amazing technological

BTW if you look at the video of the Mac 26M being built, you will see
a guy with a bunny suit & a respirator with no cartridges using a
chopper gun. IIRC the announcer is talking about fiberglass lay-ups
while showing this, maybe that's where you get the idea.

Actually, using a chopper gun is not a bad way to add stiffness to a
fiberglass structure. Used *between* layers of cloth/roving, it
functions in much the same manner as a core material, but with better
cross-linking. And it adds a lot of weight.

The reason why chopper gun laminations have such a bad rap is mainly
years of boat advertisement saying how bad it is, of course we don't
use it.

... And many Mac 26 owners (in
the US and in foreign waters) have taken their boats offshore.

Do tell.
How many have sailed their boats through 40+ knot winds and 10'+
breaking seas?
I bet.... none!

... Yet so far, no one (on this ng or on the
Mac owners ng) has even heard of ANY Mac26 breaking up and sinking, in
heavy weather conditions, collisions, or other forms of stress.

Well, you of course will insist this can't possibly be true, but I
know of two Mac 26X/Ms having structural failure due to fairly normal
stress. No wait, three.
1- rested on an anchor at low tide, ripping a large hole in the hull.
This was only into the ballast tank, so the boat refloated just fine
when the tide came back in. However, the boat sailed even worse than
2- hit an unknown floating object, tearing rudder off the transom. Due
to lack of backing plates, the holes where the bolts pulled thru were
small. Darn clever, those Mac engineers!
3- bumped repeatedly against dock in brief squall, cracking topsides
and opening seam along hull/deck joint.

None of these boats sank, it's true. But they all needed major repair
before "sailing" again. Two were sold immediately afterwards by the
owenrs... hey, maybe this explains why you don't hear about it on the
Mac-Crack-Cult-Gathering discussion forums.


Wayne.B April 18th 08 05:25 PM

I decided
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:06:33 -0400, jeff wrote:

Perhaps true, but we do have evidence of drowning on a Mac that rolled
over. Does the fact the the boat didn't sink make you feel better?

Was it dismasted in the rollover? Why did the rollover occur ?

Jeff April 18th 08 06:09 PM

I decided
Wayne.B wrote:
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:06:33 -0400, jeff wrote:

Perhaps true, but we do have evidence of drowning on a Mac that rolled
over. Does the fact the the boat didn't sink make you feel better?

Was it dismasted in the rollover? Why did the rollover occur ?

It was on July 4th, about 6 years ago. Calm night, a large crowd
watching fireworks. The Mac had been borrowed by a brother-in-law, who
had only used it a few times. There were 8 adults on deck, some
standing forward, and three small kids below. The cause of the rollover
is unclear, but I assume after weighing anchor the skipper goosed the
throttle with the helm over, and the boat lurched. It was probably
pulled over by someone hanging onto the shrouds. Two of the kids below

There was a big trial, experts for both sides. I think USSailing
actually sent witnesses against Mac. In the end Mac avoided paying
damages because the skipper was drunk. Of course, everyone else out
there (and half the boaters across the country) was drunk that night,
but only these two kids died. I always thought that incident was the
reason why Mac added some ballast in the new design.

JimC would like to write this off as just a drunk operator incident, but
frankly, it happened so quickly and was so unexpected, that it might
have happened even if he was sober. My issue is that 8 adults is not
normally gross overloading on a 26 foot boat, and goosing the throttle
on a typical sailboat does not instantly create a dangerous situation.
Given that Macs are often sold to novices, the description of this event
should be required reading by all Mac owners.

Wayne.B April 19th 08 04:44 PM

I decided
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:09:26 -0400, jeff wrote:

JimC would like to write this off as just a drunk operator incident, but
frankly, it happened so quickly and was so unexpected, that it might
have happened even if he was sober. My issue is that 8 adults is not
normally gross overloading on a 26 foot boat, and goosing the throttle
on a typical sailboat does not instantly create a dangerous situation.
Given that Macs are often sold to novices, the description of this event
should be required reading by all Mac owners.


Tragic, too many people plus a design weakness. Bayliner had a
similar issue back in the 80s with some of their small flybridge
cruisers. With too much weight on the flybridge they would flop over
and capsize in a hard turn. Problem was solved with a warning

Edgar April 19th 08 05:47 PM

I decided

"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:09:26 -0400, jeff wrote:

JimC would like to write this off as just a drunk operator incident, but
frankly, it happened so quickly and was so unexpected, that it might
have happened even if he was sober. My issue is that 8 adults is not
normally gross overloading on a 26 foot boat, and goosing the throttle
on a typical sailboat does not instantly create a dangerous situation.
Given that Macs are often sold to novices, the description of this event
should be required reading by all Mac owners.


Tragic, too many people plus a design weakness. Bayliner had a
similar issue back in the 80s with some of their small flybridge
cruisers. With too much weight on the flybridge they would flop over
and capsize in a hard turn. Problem was solved with a warning

Problem solved with a warning sticker!!! That is just the builder covering
his backside as best he can.
The builders of the capsized Mac said they put a sticker on when it was
built but the evidence indicated that it was not there at the time of the
Eight adults on the deck of what was in effect a large unballasted dinghy is
a recipe for disaster because it constitutes overloading anyway and the
weight of all on deck was so high up that if the boat heels even in a gentle
turn it is going right over if there is no ballast in the keel to restrain
There is no mystery at all about the cause of the tragedy but it does
indicate that this is not a boat that anyone without training about the
water ballast and the max no of passengers can just drive away safely

JimC April 19th 08 11:41 PM

I decided

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

The string is dead? Well, some of us have interests and
responsibilities beyond participating in such a discussion. Also, I
spent the afternoon this Saturday sailing my boat, something I don't
seem often to see with respect to you and your buddies posting in this
string. - It's strange, but you and most of your anti-Mac buddies seem
to get their jollies from bashing us Mac sailors, whereas we Mac sailors
get pleasure from sailing our Macs.

But I'll get back to you, and also to your Mac-bashing buddies. That's a


Marty[_2_] April 19th 08 11:47 PM

I decided
JimC wrote:

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

The string is dead? Well, some of us have interests and
responsibilities beyond participating in such a discussion. Also, I
spent the afternoon this Saturday sailing my boat, something I don't
seem often to see with respect to you and your buddies posting in this
string. - It's strange, but you and most of your anti-Mac buddies seem
to get their jollies from bashing us Mac sailors, whereas we Mac sailors
get pleasure from sailing our Macs.

But I'll get back to you, and also to your Mac-bashing buddies. That's a

Getting a bit paranoid there Jim. Nobody was bashing Macs, just bashing
the idea that they were sufficiently seaworthy as to be taken off shore
and brave open ocean storms. Now go take a pill and relax, Macs have
their place, as do canoes and paddle boats.



Capt. JG April 20th 08 02:44 AM

I decided
"JimC" wrote in message

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

The string is dead? Well, some of us have interests and responsibilities
beyond participating in such a discussion. Also, I spent the afternoon
this Saturday sailing my boat, something I don't seem often to see with
respect to you and your buddies posting in this string. - It's strange,
but you and most of your anti-Mac buddies seem to get their jollies from
bashing us Mac sailors, whereas we Mac sailors get pleasure from sailing
our Macs.

But I'll get back to you, and also to your Mac-bashing buddies. That's a


Really? Gee, I was sailing before the Strictly Sail show today... on an
actual sailboat that doesn't capsize when you make a hard turn. No pleasure
there... nope, none at all!

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 20th 08 02:45 AM

I decided
"Marty" wrote in message
JimC wrote:

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

The string is dead? Well, some of us have interests and responsibilities
beyond participating in such a discussion. Also, I spent the afternoon
this Saturday sailing my boat, something I don't seem often to see with
respect to you and your buddies posting in this string. - It's strange,
but you and most of your anti-Mac buddies seem to get their jollies from
bashing us Mac sailors, whereas we Mac sailors get pleasure from sailing
our Macs.

But I'll get back to you, and also to your Mac-bashing buddies. That's a

Getting a bit paranoid there Jim. Nobody was bashing Macs, just bashing
the idea that they were sufficiently seaworthy as to be taken off shore
and brave open ocean storms. Now go take a pill and relax, Macs have their
place, as do canoes and paddle boats.



That's right Marty... in fact, as the chief Mac-basher (apparently) I said
near those exact words, but Jim doesn't want to hear...

"j" ganz @@

Capt. JG April 20th 08 02:46 AM

I decided
wrote in message
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 18:47:19 -0400, Marty wrote:

JimC wrote:

Capt. JG wrote:

"JimC" wrote in message

Zzzzzz... this thread is dead Jim... LOL

The string is dead? Well, some of us have interests and
responsibilities beyond participating in such a discussion. Also, I
spent the afternoon this Saturday sailing my boat, something I don't
seem often to see with respect to you and your buddies posting in this
string. - It's strange, but you and most of your anti-Mac buddies seem
to get their jollies from bashing us Mac sailors, whereas we Mac sailors
get pleasure from sailing our Macs.

But I'll get back to you, and also to your Mac-bashing buddies. That's a

Getting a bit paranoid there Jim. Nobody was bashing Macs, just bashing
the idea that they were sufficiently seaworthy as to be taken off shore
and brave open ocean storms. Now go take a pill and relax, Macs have
their place, as do canoes and paddle boats.

And pool noodles!

I love pool noodles! We had them by the dozens on Lake Mead last summer...
so much fun! Yeah!

"j" ganz @@

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